Tuesday, August 19, 2008

No shoes, no helmet...big problem

August 6th: It's inevitable if you have kids and bikes......

The Crash: Lincoln was playing outside with one of the neighborhood kids. I looked outside to check on them and they were catching bugs in the neighbor's yard. I went back in the house to clean the bathroom and a few minutes later, I heard a distant "Moooommmm". The chant got closer and closer "MOOOOMMMMM"! I ran to the front door to see a very bloody Lincoln.
He and the neighbor had decided to ride their bikes down the hill from our house. Lincoln got going faster than he wanted to so he decided to try to slow himself with his feet. It wouldn't have been such a problem, but he was not wearing any shoes. After making hamburger of his toes, his bike hit a bump and flipped him over. He went flying and landed on his face. With no helmet. He had scrapes and bruises over most of his body. The Lesson: Always wear shoes and a helmet....or stick to catching bugs.


Brandi said...

Oh, poor Lincoln. :( That looks like it was quite the crash. I'm glad he's okay and didn't have any major injuries. I definitely think bugs are a much safer avenue for Lincoln to explore.

Mandee said...

YIKES! poor little Lincoln.